Teaching Sign Language
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Nepočujúcich žiakov v slovenskom posunkovom jazyku.
Romana & Lucia & Zuzana & Rudolf
About this project
Základná škola internátna pre sluchovo postihnutých V. Gaňu Kremnica aims to train professionals in charge of hearing impaired children in developing their sign language abilities .
Základná škola internátna pre sluchovo postihnutých V. Gaňu Kremnica owns special support program for deaf and hard of hearing children. With this frame, we have knowledge and experiences in the support of disabled children and we can make their integration easier helping them to develop their sign language.
Základná škola internátna pre sluchovo postihnutých V. Gaňu Kremnica will contribute at the project ERASMUS +:
Will host a seminar to exchange and analyze methodologies and tools;
Objectives: focus on teaching sign language to beginners;
Games dramatisation- corresponding to the first levels of the framework both in term that understanding;
Will participate to seminars in partners countries;
Will participate in working groups and will carry out the working tasks;
Will be active in order to get knowledge and make the integration of disabled children easier in mainstream institutions;
Will communicate the result of our project.
We intent to contribute the activities mentioned in the project to achieve the objectives mentioned in it.