Teaching English Deaf Students (TEDS)
TEDS_manual.pdf Teaching English Deaf Students (TEDS) The aim of the project was to create TEDS Manual consisting of few parts: adaptation of the CEFRL A1 level to the specific needs of deaf and hearing impaired learners of English and two practical toolboxes for teaching and assessing English with D/HI students.
Those are free documents which can be used by mainstream or specialized English teachers. General Introduction gives explains what deafness is, what are the hearing loss consequences and gives some general and specific recommendations for English teachers working with D/HI learners. TEDS Teaching Toolbox presents recommendations and teaching techniques most effective and appropriate to this type of learners, including sample exercises. TEDS Assesment Toolbox presents recommendations and assessing techniques used while testing, followed by examples. Hearing Impaired CEFRL adaptation presents some useful comments written by specialized teachers who have experience in teaching D/HI students.
Project includes 3 facilities providing services for deaf and hearing impaired students from 3 European countries: Slovakia – Základná škola pre žiakov so sluchovým postihnutím internátna Vliama Gaňu, France – Centre Charlotte Blouin Mutualité Française Anjou Mayenne, Poland – Specjalny Ośrodek Szkolno-Wychowawczy dla Niesłyszących im. Janusza Korczaka. It lasted from 2013 to 2015, during this period of time 4 meetings took place. TEDS project was contucted under the Erasmus+ (Comenius) Programme – Multilateral School Partnership auspices.
TEDS Manual TEDS_manual.pdf 1. General introduction 01_TEDS_general_introduction_111.pdf 2. HI CEFRL 02_HI_CEFRL_111.pdf 3. Teaching Toolbox 03_Teaching_Toolbox111.pdf 4. Attachments to Teaching Toolbox 04_Teaching_methods_attachment_hotovo111.pdf 5. Assessment Toolbox
05_Assessment_toolbox_-_111.pdf 6. Attachments to Assessment Toolbox 06_Assessment_priklady111.pdf